/***************************************************************************** @(#) $Id: SS7_Codec.H,v 1.3 2000/10/13 15:45:51 brian Exp $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Brian Bidulock All Rights Reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Last Modified $Date: 2000/10/13 15:45:51 $ by $Author: brian $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Log: SS7_Codec.H,v $ Revision 1.3 2000/10/13 15:45:51 brian First public release. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __SS7_SS7_CODEC_H__ #define __SS7_SS7_CODEC_H__ #include "Codec.H" #include class Codec_NULL : public Parameter { public: Codec_NULL(char*,char*); }; class Codec_SPAR1 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR1(); }; class Codec_SPAR2 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR2(); }; class Codec_SPAR3 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR3(); }; class Codec_SPAR4 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR4(); }; class Codec_SPAR5 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR5(); }; class Codec_SPAR6 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR6(); }; class Codec_SPAR7 : public Field { public: Codec_SPAR7(); }; class Codec_PC : public Parameter { public: Field* MEM; Field* CLS; Field* NET; void report(); Codec_PC(char*,char*,int,int,int,int); Codec_PC(char*,char*); bool set(int,int,int); bool get(int&,int&,int&); bool test(int,int,int); }; class Codec_NAI : public Set { public: Codec_NAI (); }; class Codec_OE : public Set { public: Codec_OE (); }; class Codec_NPLAN : public Set { public: Codec_NPLAN(); }; class Codec_ADDI : public DigitString { public: Codec_ADDI (); }; class Codec_SSN : public Set { public: Codec_SSN(char*,char*); }; class Codec_CPA : public Parameter { public: Field* PCI; Field* SSNI; Field* GTI; Set* RI; Set* NII; Bra* PCI_B; Bra* SSNI_B; Bra* GTI_B; Codec_SSN* SSN; Codec_PC* SPC; ParameterG* GT0; ParameterG* GT1; ParameterG* GT2; ParameterG* GT3; ParameterG* GT4; ParameterG* GTX; Field* TT; Set* ES; Set* NPLAN; Set* NAI; Field* NAI0; Set* OE; DigitString* ADDI; Codec_NULL* NOSSN; Codec_NULL* NOSPC; Codec_CPA(char*,char*); }; class Codec_UREC : public Parameter { public: OctetString* UREC; Codec_UREC(char*,char*); }; class Codec_OPARM : public ParameterPNL { public: Field* PTR; Field* PNAM; Field* PL; Bra* PNAM_B; Codec_OPARM(char*,char*,Codec**); Codec_OPARM(const Codec_OPARM&); Codec_OPARM* copy(); }; #endif __SS7_SS7_CODEC_H__