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Description: Request For Comments

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Listed below is the contents of file draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-02.txt.

Network Working Group                                     Brian Bidulock
INTERNET-DRAFT                                       OpenSS7 Corporation

Expires in six months                                 September 15, 2002

              SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer
                          Test Specifications

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 or RFC 2026.  Internet-Drafts are
   working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
   areas, and its working groups.  Note that other groups may also
   distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as 'work in progress'.

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
   Directories on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast).


   This Internet Draft provides information for the Internet community
   on test cases for testing the SS7 M2P2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation
   Layer [M2PA06] based on the conformance test specifications for SS7
   MTP Level 2 [Q.781].

1.  Introduction

   This draft provides a set of detailed test of the SS7 MTP2-User Peer-
   to-Peer Adaptation Layer [M2PA06] based on the test specifications
   for SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.781].  These tests are intended to validate
   the SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer (M2PA) protocol

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   These tests attempt to completely validate the M2PA protocol without
   redundancy.  Each test is described as simply as possible to check
   precisely the elementary function of the protocol.  The tests are
   listed in no specific order[1].

1.1.  Change History

1.1.1.  Changes from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-01

    (1)   The test specification has been updated to M2PA Draft Revision
          6 [M2PA06], with anticipated changes for M2PA Draft Revision 7

    (2)   M2PA Draft Revision 6 [M2PA06] provides for acknowledgement of
          DATA messages using a special DATA message which contains no
          data payload.  This message has been labelled "DATA-ACK" in
          the diagrams.

          This has resulted in changes to test cases 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
          2.4, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.1, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.9, 8.10,
          8.11, 10.2

    (3)   Although M2PA Draft Revision 6 [M2PA06] specifies that the
          DATA-ACK message should have its Forward Sequence Number (FSN)
          incremented as with any other normal DATA message, this causes
          problems in that the DATA-ACK must them be acknowledged.  This
          test specification anticipates M2PA Draft Revision 7 by not
          incrementing FSN for DATA-ACK messages.

    (4)   M2PA Draft Revision 6 [M2PA06] provides FSN and BSN sequence
          numbers in STATUS messages as well as DATA messages.  It has
          been proposed that STATUS messages not contain FSN and BSN
          because they should essentially be ignored because of mis-
          ordering possibilities.  Therefore, FSN and BSN of STATUS
          messages are ignored in this version of the test specification
          in anticipation of M2PA Draft Revision 7.

1.1.2.  Changes from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-00

    (1)   The test specification has been updated to M2PA Draft Revision
          4 [M2PA04], with anticipated changes for M2PA Draft Revision 5

    (2)   M2PA Draft Revision 4 [M2PA04] no longer contains a special
          proving message.  Status PROVING-NORMAL or PROVING-EMERGENCY
          messages are padded and sent repeatedly to accomplish proving
          during the proving period.  The occurence of PROVING messages
          has been removed from the test cases to update this draft to
          match the M2PA draft revision 4 [M2PA04].

    (3)   M2PA Draft Revision 4 [M2PA04] contains both forward and
          backward sequence numbers (FSN, BSN).  The test cases were

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          updated to include the sequence numbers (where other than
          zero) and test cases were added for abnormal backwards
          sequence numbers.

    (4)   M2PA Draft Revision 4 [M2PA04] has no formal method for
          acknowledging the receipt of a DATA message when there are no
          other messages to send (DATA or STATUS).  The Status of "In
          Service", for which no other use has been specified in the
          current draft [M2PA04], is used as such an explicit
          acknowledgement.  Another possibilty would have been to send a
          DATA message with no data in it.  The old "ACK" message is now
          labelled "IN-SERVICE".

    (5)   The status message previously labelled "IN-SERVICE" has been
          relabelled "READY" to better reflect the name of that atatus
          message in the draft and to not conflict with the new [M2PA04]
          "IN-SERVICE" status message.

2.  Test Environment

2.1.  Test Configurations

   A single M2PA link is used in the tests.  Figure 2.1-1 and Figure
   2.1-2 show a single link between IUT and PT.  In Test Configuration 1
   as shown in Figure 2.1-1, PT initiates the association.  In Test
   Configuration 2 as shown in Figure 2.1-2, IUT initiates the
   association.  Test specifications in both configurations are written
   to test the M2PA at IUT .

               ________            Link 1           ________
              |        |       SCTP Association    |        |
              |   PT   |-------------------------->|  IUT   |
              |________|                           |________|
                   NOTE:   PT initiates the association
                    Figure 2.1-1.  Test Configuration 1

               ________            Link 1           ________
              |        |       SCTP Association    |        |
              |   PT   |<--------------------------|  IUT   |
              |________|                           |________|
                   NOTE: IUT  initiates the association
                    Figure 2.1-2.  Test Configuration 2

2.2.  Recommended IUT Settings

2.2.1.  Timer Values

   It is recommended that the following timer values be configured at
   the IUT for the purposes of performing these validation tests:

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   T1    45 seconds

   T2    5 seconds

   T2l   20 seconds (not applicable)

   T2h   100 seconds (not applicable)

   T3    1 second

   T4n   8 seconds

   T4e   0.5 seconds

   T5    0.1 seconds (not applicable)

   T6    4 seconds

   T7    1 second

   T8    0.1 seconds (not applicable)

2.2.2.  Buffer Threshold Values

   It is recommended that the following buffer threshold values be
   configured at the IUT for the purpose of performing these validation

   N1    (not applicable)

   N2    127 messages

2.2.3.  MSU Length

   It is illustrated that all DATA messages which are sent have a
   payload length of 35 bytes.  This, however, is not essential to the
   correct performance of the tests and is an arbitrary choice.  Use of
   different valid MSU lengths should not have an affect of the results.

3.  Tests

3.1.  Link State Control - Expected signal units/orders

3.1.1.  Initialization (Power-up)

   These tests check that the IUT enters the correct state upon
   establishment of the SCTP association.  Establishing the association
   at both peers is the equivalent to the Q.703 "Power On".  The correct
   behavior is for both M2PA peers to send a status "Out of Service" and
   enter the "Out of Service" state.  These test are useful both for
   Validation and Compatibility testing.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.1-1.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.1(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |             :power on                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :power on              |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
                Figure 3.1.1-1.  Initialization (Power-up)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both the PT and the IUT in the "Power
          Off" state.

    (2)   The "Power On" command is issued at the PT and then the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message
          enters and remains in the "Out of Service" state.

    (4)   Repeat the test in the opposite direction as shown below.  Reverse Direction

   This is the test repeated in the opposite direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.1-2.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.1(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :power on              |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |             :power on                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
                Figure 3.1.1-2.  Initialization (Power-up)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both the PT and the IUT in the "Power
          Off" state.

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    (2)   The "Power On" command is issued at the IUT and then the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message
          enters and remains in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.2.  Timer T2

   This test validates the T2 (Not Aligned) timer and procedure at the
   IUT.  This is the duration of time that the M2PA peer will wait to
   receive a status "Alignment" message after sending a status
   "Alignment" message.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T2         5.0 <= T2 <= 150.0     |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(AERM)  |
   |                                                                   |
                         Figure 3.1.2-1.  Timer T2

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both the PT and the IUT in the "Out of
          Service" state.

    (2)   The "Start" command is issued at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" and issues
          an "Out of Service" indication to Level 3 with reason
          "Alignment Not Possible".

    (5)   Check that T2 is between 5.0 seconds and 150.0 seconds in

    (6)   The IUT should stay in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.3.  Timer T3

   This test validates the T3 (Aligned) timer and procedure at the IUT.
   This is the duration of time that the M2PA peer will wait to receive
   a status "Proving Normal" or status "Proving Emergency" message from

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   the M2PA peer after sending status "Proving Normal" or status
   "Proving Emergency".  The expected sequence of events is illustrated
   Figure 3.1.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T3         1.0 <= T3 <= 1.5       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(AERM)  |
   |                                                                   |
                         Figure 3.1.3-1.  Timer T3

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both the PT and the IUT in the "Out of
          Service" state.

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command  is issued at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Send a status "Alignment" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT response with a status "Proving Normal"

    (6)   Check that the link goes out of service for reason "Alignment
          Not Possible".

    (7)   Check that T3 is between 1.0 seconds and 1.5 seconds in

3.1.4.  Timer T1 & Timer T4 (Normal)

   This test validates the T4(Normal) (Proving) and T1 (Aligned Ready)
   timers and procedures at the IUT.  T4 is the duration of time that
   the M2PA peer will wait to complete proving.  T1 is the duration that
   the M2PA peer will wait to receive a status "Ready" or a status
   "Processor Outage" message from the M2PA peer after sending a status
   "Ready" or status "Processor Outage" message.  The expected sequence

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   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              |  T4(Pn)     7.5 <= T4 <= 9.5       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T1         40.0 <= T1 <- 50.0     |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(T1)    |
   |                                                                   |
               Figure 3.1.4-1.  Timer T1 & Timer T4 (Normal)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both the PT and the IUT in the "Out of
          Service" state.

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command is issued at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Send a status "Alignment" message to the IUT and exchange
          status "Proving Normal" and proving data messages.

    (5)   Check that a status "Ready" message is received from the IUT
          within time T4.

    (6)   Check that T4 is between 7.5 seconds and 9.5 seconds in

    (7)   Check that a status "Out of Service" message is received from
          the IUT within time T1 and that an "Out of Service" indication
          is given to Level 3 at the IUT with reason "T1 Timeout".

    (8)   Check that T1 is between 40.0 seconds and 50.0 seconds in

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3.1.5.  Normal alignment procedure

   This test case validates the normal alignment procedure at the IUT.
   This is a normal successful alignment procedure which results in the
   link going to and staying in the "Ready" state.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.5-1.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.5(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
                Figure 3.1.5-1.  Normal alignment procedure

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link "Out of Service".

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command is issued at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.5-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message and
          indicates "In Service" to Level 3.

    (5)   Check that the link maintains the "In Service" state.  Reverse Direction

   The equivalent Q.781 test case is normally repeated with with 2-byte
   LSSUs instead of 1-byte LSSUs when testing Q.703 links.  The effect
   of sending 2-byte LSSUs is simulated by adding a "filler" to the
   statu message.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

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                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.5(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
                Figure 3.1.5-2.  Normal alignment procedure

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link "Out of Service".

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command is issued at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.5-2.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message and
          indicates "In Service" to Level 3.

    (5)   Check that the link maintains the "In Service" state.

3.1.6.  Normal alignment procedure - correct procedure (Data)

   The test case validates the normal alignment procedure at the IUT
   when a DATA message is used instead of a status "Ready" to complete
   the alignment procedure.  The expected sequence of events is
   illustrated Figure 3.1.6-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.6
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.1.6-1.  Normal alignment procedure (Data)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link "Out of Service".

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command is issued at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.6-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message and
          indicates "In Service" to Level 3.

    (5)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message with a status
          "Data Ack" message.

    (6)   The IUT should maintain the "In Service" state.

3.1.7.  Status "Alignment" received during normal proving period

   This test case validates that the IUT restarts the alignment and
   proving procedure when receiving a status "Alignment" message in the
   "Proving" state.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated
   Figure 3.1.7-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.7
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pn)     7.5 <= T4 <= 9.5       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.1.7-1.  "Alignment" during normal proving

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   When normal proving begins, wait for half the duration of T4
          and then send the IUT a status "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT restarts the proving period and sends a
          status "Ready" message T4 after the last status "Alignment"
          message was sent to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that T4(Pn) is between 7.5 seconds and 9.5 seconds in

3.1.8.  Normal alignment with PO set

   This case tests the normal alignment procedure where one M2PA peer is
   experiencing a local processor outage before and during alignment.
   The M2PA peers should still align and the link should go into service
   at Level 3.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.8-1.

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                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.8(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
               Figure 3.1.8-1.  Normal alignment with PO set

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.8-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends status "Processor Outage" message and
          indicates "In Service" to Level 3.

    (5)   Check that the link maintains the "In Service" state at the
          IUT.  Reverse Direction

   This case is the same test in the reverse direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.8-2.

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                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.8(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |                :start                                             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                                                   |
               Figure 3.1.8-2.  Normal alignment with PO set

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Local Processor Outage" and "Start" command
          at the PT and the "Start" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.8-2.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends status "Ready" message and indicates
          "Remote Processor Outage" indication to Level 3.

    (5)   Check that the link maintains the "In Service" state at the

3.1.9.  Normal alignment with PO set (Data)

   This test case validates the normal alignment procedure at the IUT in
   the "Processor Outage" state when a Data message is used instead of
   an "Ready" message to complete the alignment procedure.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.9-1.

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                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.9(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.9-1.  Normal alignment with PO set (Data)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.9-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends status "Processor Outage" message and
          send a Data message to the IUT to complete the alignment

    (5)   Check that the IUT does not acknowledge the Data message.

    (6)   Check that the IUT maintains the "Processor Outage" state.  Reverse Direction

   This is the same test in the reverse direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.9-2.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.9(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |                :start                                             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.9-2.  Normal alignment with PO set (Data)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the PT and the "Start" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Provide an MSU for transmission at the IUT before the proving
          period ends.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends the message sequence illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.9-2.

    (5)   Check that the IUT completes the proving process with the MSU
          and indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to Level 3.

    (6)   Check that the IUT maintains the "Processor Outage" state and
          does not require acknowledgment of the Data message used to
          complete alignment.

3.1.10.  Normal alignment with PO set and cleared

   This case tests that if the local processor outage condition is set
   and cleared before the alignment procedure starts that normal
   alignment is performed and no status "Processor Outage" message is
   sent to the M2PA peer.  The expected sequence of events is
   illustrated Figure 3.1.10-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 16

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.10
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.10-1.  Normal alignment with PO set and cleared

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage," "Clear Local
          Processor Outage" and "Start" commands at the IUT and "Start"
          command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.10-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT completes the alignment procedure and sends
          the status "Ready" message and indicates "In Service" to Level

3.1.11.  Set RPO when "Aligned not ready"

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when processor
   outage condition is set at both the PT and the IUT.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.11-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 17

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.11
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.1.11-1.  Set RPO when "Aligned Not Ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and PT.

    (3)   Check that the alignment procedure follows the sequence of
          events illustrated in Figure 3.1.11-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends status "Processor Outage" and
          indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to Level 3.

3.1.12.  Status "Out of Service" received when "Aligned not ready"

   These test cases validate the behavior of the IUT when it receives a
   status "Out of Service" message in the "Aligned Not Ready" state or
   sends a Status "Out of Service" message when the M2PA peer is in the
   "Aligned Not Ready" state.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.12-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 18

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.12(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIOS)  |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.12-1.  "Out of Service" when "Aligned not ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.1.12-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message
          when it completes the initial alignment procedure and issue a
          Level 3 "Stop" command at the PT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends status "Out of Service" and indicates
          "Out of Service" to Level 3 with the reason "Received SIOS".  Reverse Direction

   The test is repeated in the reverse direction.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.12-2.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.12(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |                :start                                             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.12-2.  "Out of Service" when "Aligned not ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows those illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.12-2.

    (4)   When the IUT goes to the "In Service" state, issue the Level 3
          "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends the status "Out of Service" message.

3.1.13.  Status "Alignment" received when "Aligned not ready"

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when it receives a
   status "Alignment" message in the "Aligned Not Ready" state.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.13-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 20

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.13
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIO)   |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.1.13-1.  "Alignment" when "Aligned not ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows the normal alignment
          procedure illustrated in Figure 3.1.13-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends the status "Processor Outage" message, send
          a status "Alignment" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends the status "Out of Service" message
          and indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 with reason
          "Received SIO".

3.1.14.  Set and clear LPO when "Initial alignment"

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when it receives
   Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Clear Local Processor
   Outage" commands in the "Initial Alignment" state.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.14-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 21

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.14
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
       Figure 3.1.14-1.  Set and clear LPO when "Initial Alignment"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and PT.

    (3)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the
          IUT when the IUT begins initial alignment.

    (4)   Issue the Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command at
          the IUT before the IUT completes initial alignment.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends the status "Ready" message when it
          completes initial alignment and that the "In Service"
          indication is given to Level 3 at the IUT.

3.1.15.  Set and clear LPO when "Aligned ready"

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when it receives the
   Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Clear Local Processor
   Outage" commands in the "Aligned Ready" state.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.15-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 22

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.15
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.1.15-1.  Set and clear LPO when "Aligned ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at both the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the normal alignment procedure and
          sequence of events illustrated in Figure 3.1.15-1.

    (4)   When the IUT has completed the initial alignment procedure,
          issues the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message
          and indicates "In Service" to Level 3 at the IUT.

    (6)   Issue the Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command at
          the IUT.

    (7)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage Ended"
          message and enters the "In Service" state.

3.1.16.  Timer T1 in "Aligned not ready" state

   This test case validates the T1 timer and procedures at the IUT when
   the IUT is in the "Aligned Not Ready" state.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.16-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 23

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.16
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T1         40.0 <= T1 <= 50.0     |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(T1)    |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.1.16-1.  Timer T1 in "Aligned not ready" state

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.1.16-1 while completing the initial alignment

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 with reason "T1

    (5)   Check that T1 is between 40.0 seconds and 50.0 seconds in

3.1.17.  No status "Alignment" sent during normal proving period

   This test validates that the normal alignment procedure completes at
   the IUT when no status "Alignment" message is sent.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.17-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 24

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.17
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T3+T4(Pn)  7.5 <= T3+T4 <= 11.0   |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
       Figure 3.1.17-1.  No "Alignment" during normal proving period

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at both the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Respond to status "Alignment" message sent by the IUT with a
          status "Proving Normal" message and continue proving.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message within
          T4(Pn) plus T3.

    (5)   Check that the delay from the start of the proving period to
          the status "Ready" message T4(Pn)+T3 is between 7.5 seconds
          and 11.0 seconds in duration.

3.1.18.  Set and cease emergency prior to "start alignment"

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when the Level 3
   "Set Emergency" and "Clear Emergency" commands are issued prior to
   the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.1.18-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 25

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.18
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pn)     7.5 <= T4 <= 10.0      |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.18-1.  Toggle emergency before "start alignment"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Emergency," "Clear Emergency" then
          "Start" commands at the IUT and "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events are as illustrated in Figure
          3.1.18-1.  Check that the IUT sends a status "Proving Normal"
          message in response to the "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message.

    (5)   Check that the IUT uses a normal proving period by timing the
          delay from the status "Proving Normal" message to the status
          "Ready" message sent by the IUT.

    (6)   Check that T4 is between 7.5 seconds and 10.0 seconds in

3.1.19.  Set emergency while in "not aligned" state

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when the Level 3
   "Set Emergency" command is issued at the IUT immediately after the
   Level 3 "Start" command (when the IUT is in the "Not Aligned" state).
   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.19-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 26

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.19
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-EMERGENCY      |
   |     PROVING-EMERGENCY  ----------------->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.1.19-1.  Set emergency in "not aligned" state

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" and "Set Emergency" commands at the
          IUT and "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events are as illustrated in Figure
          3.1.19-1.  Check that the IUT sends a status "Proving
          Emergency" message in response to the "Alignment" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message.

    (5)   Check that the IUT uses an emergency proving period by timing
          the delay from the status "Proving Emergency" message to the
          status "Ready" message sent by the IUT.

    (6)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.20.  Set emergency when "aligned"

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the Level 3 "Set
   Emergency" command when issued in the "Aligned" state at the IUT.
   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.20-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 27

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.20
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-EMERGENCY      |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
              Figure 3.1.20-1.  Set emergency when "aligned"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the normal alignment procedure starts as
          illustrated in Figure 3.1.20-1.

    (4)   Before the normal proving period completes, issue the Level 3
          "Set Emergency" command at the ITU.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Proving Emergency" message
          and later follows with a status "Ready" message.

    (6)   Check that the IUT begins an emergency proving period by
          timing the delay from the status "Proving Emergency" message
          to the status "Ready" message.

    (7)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.21.  Both ends set emergency.

   This test case validates the IUT behavior when the Level 3 "Set
   Emergency" command is issued at both ends of the link before the
   Level 3 "Start" command.  The expected sequence of events is
   illustrated Figure 3.1.21-1.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 28

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.21
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-EMERGENCY      |
   |     PROVING-EMERGENCY  ----------------->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.1.21-1.  Both ends set emergency

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Emergency" and "Start" commands at the
          IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT starts the emergency alignment procedure by
          sending a status "Proving Emergency" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events as
          illustrated in Figure 3.1.21-1.  Check that the IUT completes
          the alignment procedure and sends a status "Ready" message.

    (5)   Check that the IUT uses an emergency proving period by timing
          the delay between sending the status "Proving Normal" message
          and the status "Ready" message.

    (6)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.22.  Individual end sets emergency

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT when emergency is
   individually set at the PT before the initial alignment procedure
   begins.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.22
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |            :set emerg                                             |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |     PROVING-EMERGENCY  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
              Figure 3.1.22-1.  Individual end sets emergency

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Emergency" and "Start" commands at the
          PT and the "Start" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.22-1.

    (4)   Check that the IUT uses the emergency proving period by timing
          the delay between the status "Proving Normal" message and the
          status "Ready" message.

    (5)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.23.  Set emergency during normal proving

   This test case validates the IUT behavior when it receives a Level 3
   "Set Emergency" command after it has already commenced normal
   proving.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.23
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-EMERGENCY      |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.23-1.  Set emergency during normal proving

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.23-1.

    (4)   Before the normal proving period completes at the IUT, issue
          the Level 3 "Set Emergency" command at the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Proving Emergency" message
          and continues proving.

    (6)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Ready" message.

    (7)   Check that the IUT uses an emergency proving period by timing
          the delay between the status "Proving Emergency" message and
          the status "Ready" message.

    (8)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.24.  No status "Alignment" sent during emergency alignment

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving a
   status "Proving Normal" without a status "Alignment" during initial
   alignment using an emergency proving period.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.24-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.24
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |     PROVING-EMERGENCY  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-EMERGENCY      |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T4(Pe)     0.4 <= T4 <= 0.6       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.24-1.  No "Alignment" during emergency alignment

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Emergency" and "Start" commands at both
          the IUT and PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Proving Emergency" message
          and starts proving.

    (4)   Check that the IUT completes proving and sends a status
          "Ready" message.

    (5)   Check that the IUT uses an emergency proving period by timing
          the delay between the status "Proving Emergency" message and
          the status "Ready" message.

    (6)   Check that T4 is between 0.4 seconds and 0.6 seconds in

3.1.25.  Deactivation during initial alignment

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT in response to the
   Level 3 "Stop" command issued during the "Initial Alignment" state at
   the IUT.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.25
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.25-1.  Deactivate during initial alignment

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Before timer T2 expires, issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at
          the IUT.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.26.  Deactivation during aligned state

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT in response to the
   Level 3 "Stop" command issued during "Aligned" state at the IUT.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.26-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.26
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
             Figure 3.1.26-1.  Deactivate during aligned state

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.1.26-1.

    (4)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.27.  Deactivation during aligned not ready

   This test case validates the behavior of the IUT in response to the
   Level 3 "Stop" command issued during the "Aligned Not Ready" state at
   the IUT.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.27
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.27-1.  Deactivate during aligned not ready

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.1.27-1 and sends a status "Processor Outage"

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    (4)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.28.  Status "alignment" received during link in service

   This test case validates the IUT response to receiving a status
   "Alignment" message in the "In Service" state.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.28-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.28
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIO)   |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.28-1.  "Alignment" during link in service

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send a status "Alignment" to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 with reason "Received

3.1.29.  Status "out of service" received during link in service

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to sending or
   receiving a status "Out of Service" message in the "In Service"
   state.  Forward Direction

   The test case is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.29-1.

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                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.29(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIOS)  |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.1.29-1.  "Out of service" during link in service

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the PT and send a status
          "Out of Service" message to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to the Level 3 at the IUT with
          reason "Received SIOS".  Reverse Direction

   The test case is repeated in the reverse direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.29-2.

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.29(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.1.29-2.  "Out of service" during link in service

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          stays in the "Out of Service" state.

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3.1.30.  Deactivation during LPO

   These test cases validate the response of the IUT to sending a status
   "Out of Service" message while in the "Processor Outage" state with
   LPO set, or receiving an "Out of Service" message from an M2PA peer
   in the "Processor Outage" state with RPO set.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.30-1.

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.30(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.1.30-1.  Deactivation during LPO

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          stays in the "Out of Service" state.  Reverse Direction

   The test is repeated in the reverse direction.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.30-2.

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                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.30(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                            !out of service(SIOS)  |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.1.30-2.  Deactivation during LPO

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Stop"
          commands at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Received SIOS".

3.1.31.  Deactivation during RPO

   These test cases validate the response of the IUT to sending a status
   "Out of Service" message while in the "Processor Outage" state with
   RPO set, or receiving an "Out of Service" message from an M2PA peer
   in the "Processor Outage" state with LPO set.  Forward Direction

   The test is performed in the forward direction.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.31-1.

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.31(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.1.31-1.  Deactivation during RPO

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the
          PT and send a status "Processor Outage" message to the IUT.

    (3)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends the status "Out of Service" message
          and remains in the "Out of Service" state.  Reverse Direction

   The test is repeated in the reverse direction.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.31-2.

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.31(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.1.31-2.  Deactivation during RPO

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the PT and send the status
          "Out of Service" message.

    (5)   Check that the IUT does not indicate "Out of Service" until
          the local processor outage condition recovers.

3.1.32.  Deactivation during the proving period

   These test cases validate the response of the IUT to deactivation
   (sending or receiving a status "Out of Service" message) during the
   proving period.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002  Forward Direction

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.32-1.

                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.32(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(AERM)  |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.1.32-1.  Deactivation during the proving period

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.1.32-1.

    (4)   During the proving period, issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at
          the PT and send status "Out of Service" to the ITU.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Alignment Not Possible".  Reverse Direction

   The test is repeated in the reverse direction.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.32-2.

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                      Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.32(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                :start                                             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.1.32-2.  Deactivation during the proving period

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Start" command at the PT and the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.32-2.

    (4)   During the proving period, issue a Level 3 "Stop" command at
          the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          remains in the "Out of Service" state.

3.1.33.  Status "Alignment" received instead of status "Ready"

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving a
   status "Alignment" message instead of a status "Ready" or "Processor
   Outage" message at the completion of initial alignment.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.33-1.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.33
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIO)   |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.1.33-1.  "Alignment" instead of "In Service"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.33-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Ready" message, send a status
          "Alignment" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Received SIO".

3.1.34.  Status "Out of Service" received instead of status "Ready"

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving a
   status "Out of Service" message instead of a status "Ready" or
   "Processor Outage" message at the completion of initial alignment.
   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.1.34-1.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.34
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 :stop                                             |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(SIOS)  |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.1.34-1.  "Out of Service" instead of "In Service"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.34-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Ready" message, send a status
          "Out of Service" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Received SIOS".

3.1.35.  Status "Processor Outage" received instead of status "Ready"

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving a
   status "Processor Outage" message instead of a status "Ready" message
   at the completion of initial alignment.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.1.35-1.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 1.35
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                                                   |
       Figure 3.1.35-1.  "Processor Outage" instead of "In Service"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "Out of Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the sequence of events follows that illustrated in
          Figure 3.1.35-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Ready" message, issue a Level 3
          "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the PT and send a
          status "Processor Outage" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.  Link State Control - Unexpected signal units/orders

   This suite of test cases test the response of the Implementation
   Under Test to unexpected sequences Level 3 requests and received M2PA
   messages in various states.  These test cases validates the
   robustness of the implementation in responding to unusual

3.2.1.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Out of service" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 requests and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Out of Service" state.  All of the unexpected sequences
   in this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.2.1-1.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |     PROVING-EMERGENCY  ----------------->                         |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |            BUSY-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
     Figure 3.2.1-1.  Unexpected events in the "Out of Service" State

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both M2PA peers in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Out of Service"
            - Status "Alignment"
            - Status "Proving Normal"
            - Status "Proving Emergency"
            - Status "Processor Outage"
            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid
            - Status "Processor Outage Ended"
            - Status "Busy Ended"
            - Status "Ready"
            - Data Ack
            - Data

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    (3)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Stop" command

    (4)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (5)   The Level 3 "Start" command is then issued.

    (6)   Check that the link aligns normally.

    (7)   Check that link alignment uses normal alignment procedures.

    (8)   Check that the link goes in service and stays in service
          without local or remote processor outage indications to Level

3.2.2.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Not Aligned" state

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 requests and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Not Aligned" state.  All of the unexpected sequences in
   this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.2.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.2.2-1.  Unexpected events while "not aligned"

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both M2PA peers in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   The Level 3 "Start" command is issued to IUT to place the IUT
          in the "Not Aligned" state.

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Out of Service"
            - Status "Processor Outage"
            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid
            - Status "Ready"
            - Data Ack
            - Data

    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (6)   A status "Alignment" is then sent to the IUT.

    (7)   Check that the IUT aligns as usual and performs the normal
          alignment procedures.

    (8)   Check that the IUT places the link in service and that no
          local or remote processor outage indications are given to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.3.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Aligned" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Aligned" state.  All of the unexpected sequences in
   this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.2.3-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |            BUSY-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.2.3-1.  Unexpected events while "aligned"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   The IUT is brought to the "Aligned" state using normal

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Alignment"
            - Status "Processor Outage"
            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid
            - Status "Ready"
            - Status "Processor Outage Ended"
            - Status "Busy Ended"
            - Data Ack
            - Data

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    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (6)   Check that the IUT aligns as usual and performs the normal
          alignment procedure.

    (7)   Check that the IUT places the link in service and that no
          local or remote processor outage indications are given to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.4.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Proving" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Proving" state.  All of the unexpected sequences in
   this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.2.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |            BUSY-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                 READY  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.2.4-1.  Unexpected events while "proving"

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   The IUT is brought to the "Proving" state using normal

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Processor Outage Ended"
            - Status "Processor Outage"
            - Status "Busy Ended"
            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid
            - Status "Ready"
            - Data Ack
            - Data

    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (6)   Check that the IUT aligns as usual and performs the normal
          alignment procedure.

    (7)   Check that the IUT places the link in service and that no
          local or remote processor outage indications are given to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.5.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Aligned Ready" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Aligned Ready" state.  All of the unexpected sequences
   in this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence
   of events is illustrated Figure 3.2.5-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.5
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.2.5-1.  Unexpected events while "aligned ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   The IUT is brought to the "Aligned Ready" state using normal

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid

    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Set Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

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    (6)   Check that the IUT aligns as usual and performs the normal
          alignment procedure.

    (7)   Check that the IUT places the link in service and that no
          local or remote processor outage indications are given to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.6.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Aligned Not Ready" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Aligned Not Ready" state.  All of the unexpected
   sequences in this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.2.6-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.6
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !in service            |
   |                                                                   |
       Figure 3.2.6-1.  Unexpected events while "aligned not ready"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   The IUT is brought to the "Aligned Not Ready" state using
          normal procedures.

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

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            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid

    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Set Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (6)   Check that the IUT places the link in service.

3.2.7.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "In Service" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "In Service" state.  All of the unexpected sequences in
   this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.2.7-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.7
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.2.7-1.  Unexpected events while "in service"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "In Service"

    (2)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status Invalid

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

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            - Level 3 "Set Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (4)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (5)   Check that the IUT retains the link in the in service state
          and that no local or remote processor outage indications are
          given to Level 3 at the IUT.

3.2.8.  Unexpected signal units/orders in "Processor Outage" state

   This case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   unexpected Level 3 request and receipt of unexpected M2PA messages
   while in the "Processor Outage" state.  All of the unexpected
   sequences in this test case must be ignored by the IUT.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.2.8-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 2.8
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                  BUSY  ----------------->                         |
   |      [INVALID-STATUS]  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set emergency         |
   |                                            :clear emergency       |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                 READY  ----------------->                         |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |            BUSY-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |                                                                   |
        Figure 3.2.8-1.  Unexpected events while "processor outage"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "In Service"

    (2)   The IUT is brought to the "Processor Outage" state using
          normal procedures.

    (3)   A sequence of unexpected M2PA messages are sent to the IUT.
          These unexpected messages are:

            - Status "Busy"
            - Status Invalid

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            - Status "Ready"
            - Status "Processor Outage Ended"
            - Status "Busy Ended"

    (4)   A sequence of unexpected Level 3 commands are issued at the
          IUT.  These unexpected Level 3 commands are:

            - Level 3 "Set Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Clear Emergency" command
            - Level 3 "Start" command

    (5)   Check that the IUT ignores the unexpected M2PA messages/Level
          3 commands.

    (6)   Check that the IUT keeps the link in service and that no local
          or remote processor outage indications are given to Level 3 at
          the IUT.

3.3.  Transmission Failure

   This set of test cases validate specific transmission path failures
   and anomalies.  Specifically transmission path failures, corrupt
   acknowledgments and invalid sequencing.  Because SCTP does not have a
   transmission path that is separate from a receive path, the Q.781
   tests that validate response to breaking the transmission path are
   simulated by aborting the association.  Because M2PA does not have
   forward indicator bits, the Q.781 tests that validate response to
   abnormal forward indicator bits are simulated by invalid "Data Ack"

3.3.1.  Link aligned ready (Abort)

   This case validates the response of the IUT to aborting the SCTP
   association when the IUT is in the "Aligned Ready" state.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.1-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  READY                  |
   |             :tx break                                             |
   |                                            !out of service(SUERM) |
   |                                                                   |
                Figure 3.3.1-1.  Link aligned ready (Abort)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Start" command at the IUT and the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.3.1-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Ready" message, abort the SCTP

    (5)   Check that the IUT indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at
          the IUT with reason "Excessive error rate SUERM" and stays in
          the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.2.  Link aligned ready (Invalid Acks)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving two
   consecutive invalid "Data Ack" messages in the "Aligned Ready" state.
   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.2-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(FIBR)  |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.3.2-1.  Link aligned ready (Invalid Acks)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both IUT and PT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   Send two consecutive "Data Ack" messages to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Abnormal FIBR" and stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.3.  Link aligned not ready (Abort)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to aborting the SCTP
   association when the IUT is in the "Aligned Not Ready" state.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |             :tx break                                             |
   |                                            !out of service(SUERM) |
   |                                                                   |
              Figure 3.3.3-1.  Link aligned not ready (Abort)

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both  PT and IUT in the "Out of Service"

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.3.3-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message, abort
          the SCTP association.

    (5)   Check that the IUT indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at
          the IUT with reason "Excessive Error Rate/SUERM" and stays in
          the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.4.  Link aligned not ready (Invalid Acks)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of
   two consecutive invalid "Data Ack" messages in the "Aligned Not
   Ready" state.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |        OUT-OF-SERVICE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                                            :start                 |
   |                        <-----------------  ALIGNMENT              |
   |                :start                                             |
   |             ALIGNMENT  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROVING-NORMAL         |
   |        PROVING-NORMAL  ----------------->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(FIBR)  |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.3.4-1.  Link aligned not ready (Invalid Acks)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with both PT and IUT in the "Out of Service"

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    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" and "Start"
          commands at the IUT and the "Start" command at the PT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT follows the sequence of events illustrated
          in Figure 3.3.4-1.

    (4)   When the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message, send
          two consecutive invalid "Data Ack" messages to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Abnormal FIBR" and remains in the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.5.  Link in service (Abort)

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.5-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.5
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |             :tx break                                             |
   |                                            !out of service(SUERM) |
   |                                                                   |
                 Figure 3.3.5-1.  Link in service (Abort)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Abort the SCTP association.

    (3)   Check that the IUT indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at
          the IUT with reason "Excessive Error Rate/SUERM" and stays in
          the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.6.  Link in service (Invalid Acks)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to two consecutive
   invalid "Data Ack" messages in the "In Service" state.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.6-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.6
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(FIBR)  |
   |                                                                   |
              Figure 3.3.6-1.  Link in service (Invalid Acks)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send two consecutive invalid "Data Ack" messages to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Abnormal FIBR" and stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.7.  Link in processor outage (Abort)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to aborting the SCTP
   association when the IUT is in the "Processor Outage" state.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.3.7-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.7
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |             :tx break                                             |
   |                                            !out of service(SUERM) |
   |                                                                   |
             Figure 3.3.7-1.  Link in processor outage (Abort)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issues the Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

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    (4)   Abort the SCTP association.

    (5)   Check that the IUT indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at
          the IUT with reason "Excessive Error Rate/SUERM" and stays in
          the "Out of Service" state.

3.3.8.  Link in processor outage (Invalid Acks)

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving two
   consecutive Invalid "Data Ack" messages while in the "Processor
   Outage" state.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 3.8
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[ffff, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(FIBR)  |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.3.8-1.  Link in processor outage (Invalid Acks)

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issues a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Send two consecutive invalid "Data Ack" messages to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "Abnormal FIBR" and stays in the "Out of Service" state.

3.4.  Processor Outage Control

3.4.1.  Set and clear LPO while link in service

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to a local processor
   outage condition and recovery with buffer clearing.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.4.1-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 4.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0000, 0002]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0002]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0000, 0002]---  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |                                            :clear buffers         |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                        <--[0000, 0003]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0001, 0003]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0000, 0003]---  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.4.1-1.  Set and clear LPO while link in service

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send two MSUs from the IUT and then issue a Level 3 "Set Local
          Processor Outage" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends two Data messages and a status
          "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Acknowledge one data message with a "Data Ack" message at the
          PT and send a Data message from the PT to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (6)   Check that the IUT does not require an acknowledgments to the
          second Data message by waiting longer than timer T7 at the

    (7)   At the IUT, issue a Level 3 "Clear Buffers" command, send an
          MSU, and then issue a Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage".

    (8)   Check that the IUT sends a Data message and send a "Data Ack"
          message to the IUT in response.  Check that the IUT sends a
          "Processor Outage Ended" message.

    (9)   To ensure that the IUT is not expecting another
          acknowledgments, wait for longer than T7 and check that the
          IUT sends no further status messages and remains in the "In
          Service" state.

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3.4.2.  RPO during LPO

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to receiving a
   status "Processor Outage" message and status "Processor Outage Ended"
   message while in the "Processor Outage" state with LPO set at the
   IUT.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.4.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 4.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |              set lpo:                                             |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |            clear lpo:                                             |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpr                   |
   |                                                                   |
                      Figure 3.4.2-1.  RPO during LPO

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Issue a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the PT
          and send a status "Processor Outage" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

    (6)   Issue a level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command at the
          PT and send a status "Processor Outage Ended" message to the

    (7)   Check that the IUT indicates "Remote Processor Recovered" to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

3.4.3.  Clear LPO when "Both processor outage"

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the receipt of a
   Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command when the IUT is in the
   "Processor Outage" state with both processors marked PO.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.4.3-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 4.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :set lpo               |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE       |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |                                            :clear lpo             |
   |                        <-----------------  PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |            :clear lpo                                             |
   |PROCESSOR-OUTAGE-ENDED  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpr                   |
   |                                                                   |
          Figure 3.4.3-1.  Clear LPO when "Both processor outage"

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Outage" message.

    (4)   Issue a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the PT
          and send a status "Processor Outage" message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the ITU indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

    (6)   Issue a Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command at the

    (7)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Processor Ended" message.

    (8)   Issue a Level 3 "Clear Local Processor Outage" command at the
          PT and send a status "Processor Outage Ended" message to the

    (9)   Check that the IUT indicates "Remote Processor Recovered" to
          Level 3 at the IUT and remains in the "In Service" state.

3.5.  SU delimitation, alignment, error detection and correction

   Most of the test cases in this section are not applicable to M2PA

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3.5.1.  More than 7 ones between MSU opening and closing flags

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.1-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.1-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.5.2.  Greater than maximum signal unit length

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.2-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.5.3.  Below minimum signal unit length

   This test case validates the IUT response to a Data message with a
   payload below the minimum MSU length.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.3-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |  [  1 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                                                   |
             Figure 3.5.3-1.  Below minimum signal unit length

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send a Data message with one byte of payload to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT does not acknowledge the Data message and
          remains in the "In Service" state.

3.5.4.  Reception of single and multiple flags between FISUs

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.4-1.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.4(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.4-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.4-2.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.4(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.4-2.  Not applicable

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   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.5.5.  Reception of single and multiple flags between MSUs

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.5-1.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.5(a)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.5-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.5.5-2.

                       Reference:  Q.781/Test 5.5(b)
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.5.5-2.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.6.  SUERM check

   The test cases in this section are not applicable to M2PA.  These
   tests might have corresponding tests at the SCTP layer, however, that
   is the topic of an SCTP test specification rather than an M2PA test

3.6.1.  Error rate of 1 in 256 - Link remains in service

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.6.1-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 6.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.6.1-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.6.2.  Error rate of 1 in 254 - Link out of service

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.6.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 6.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.6.2-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.6.3.  Consecutive corrupt SUs

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.6.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 6.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.6.3-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

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    (1)   Not applicable.

3.6.4.  Time controlled break of the link

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.6.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 6.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.6.4-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.7.  AERM check

   The test cases in this section are not applicable to M2PA.  These
   test might have corresponding test at the SCTP layer, however, that
   is the topic of an SCTP test specification rather than an M2PA test

3.7.1.  Error rate below the normal threshold

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.7.1-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 7.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.7.1-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.7.2.  Error rate at the normal threshold

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.7.2-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 7.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.7.2-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.7.3.  Error rate above the normal threshold

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.7.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 7.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.7.3-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.7.4.  Error rate at the emergency threshold

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.7.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 7.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.7.4-1.  Not applicable

   Test Description:

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    (1)   Not applicable.

3.8.  Transmission and reception control (Basic)

   A number of test cases in this section are not applicable to M2PA.
   Some may be the topic of a test specification for SCTP but are not
   applicable to M2PA.  Test cases that are applicable in this section
   validate the basic transmission, reception and acknowledgments of
   Data messages with status "In Service" messages.

3.8.1.  Data transmission and reception

   This test case validates the IUT response to the sending and receipt
   of Data and "Data Ack" messages.  The expected sequence of events is
   illustrated Figure 3.8.1-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0001, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0001, 0001]-->                         |
   |                                                                   |
             Figure 3.8.1-1.  Data transmission and reception

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send a Data message to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a "Data Ack" message acknowledging
          the received Data message and delivers the received MSU to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

    (4)   Issue a Level 3 MSU to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a Data message.

    (6)   Send a "Data Ack" message to the IUT acknowledging the data

    (7)   Check that the IUT receives the acknowledgments by waiting
          longer than time T7 and ensuring that the IUT stays in the "In
          Service" state.

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3.8.2.  Negative acknowledgments of an MSU

   M2PA does not perform negative acknowledgments at the M2PA layer.
   Negative acknowledgments are performed as necessary by the underlying
   SCTP transport.  As such, test cases involving negative
   acknowledgments are not applicable.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.8.2-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.8.3.  Check RTB full

   This test case validates the IUT response to an RTB full condition at
   the IUT.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    Ct=  254       |
   |                                                                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                        <--[0000, 0002]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                        <--[0000, 0003]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    Ct=  127       |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 007f]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0000, 0080]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                        <--[0000, 0081]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                        <--[0000, 0082]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    .              |
   |                                                    Ct=  127       |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 00fe]-->                         |
   |                                                                   |
                      Figure 3.8.3-1.  Check RTB full

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send 2 x N2 MSUs at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends N2 Data messages and then stops
          sending Data messages (RTB Full condition).

    (4)   Acknowledge the N2 Data messages in a single "Data Ack"

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends another N2 Data messages.

    (6)   Acknowledge the N2 Data messages in a single "Data Ack"

    (7)   Check that the IUT remains in the "In Service" state longer
          than time T7.

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3.8.4.  Single invalid Ack

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to a single invalid
   "Data Ack" message.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated
   Figure 3.8.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0001]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0001]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                                                   |
                    Figure 3.8.4-1.  Single invalid Ack

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send an invalid "Data Ack" message to the IUT.

    (3)   Send an MSU at the IUT.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a Data message.

    (5)   Acknowledge the Data message with a "Data Ack" message to the

    (6)   Send an Data message to the IUT.

    (7)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message with a "Data
          Ack" message and delivers an MSU to Level 3 at the IUT.

3.8.5.  Duplicated FSN

   This test validates the response of the IUT to a single Data message
   which has a repeated Forward Sequence Number.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.5-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.5
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0002, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0002, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                                                   |
                      Figure 3.8.5-1.  Duplicated FSN

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send an valid Data message to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message and delivers
          an M3U to Level 3 at the IUT.

    (4)   Send an invalid Data message that contains the same FSN as the
          previous Data message to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT does not deliver an MSU to Level 3 at the

    (6)   Send a valid Data message to the IUT.

    (7)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message and delivers
          an M3U to Level 3 at the IUT.

    (8)   Check that the IUT maintains the "In Service" state.

3.8.6.  Erroneous retransmission - Single MSU

   Retransmission of DATA messages is performed by SCTP for M2PA and as
   such the related Q.781 tests are not applicable.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.6-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.6
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.8.6-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.8.7.  Erroneous retransmission - Multiple FISUs

   Retransmission of DATA messages is performed by SCTP for M2PA and as
   such the related Q.781 tests are not applicable.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.7-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.7
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.8.7-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.8.8.  Single FISU with corrupt FIB

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.8-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.8
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.8.8-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

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    (1)   Not applicable.

3.8.9.  In Service prior to RPO being set

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.9-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.9
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              :set lpo                                             |
   |      PROCESSOR-OUTAGE  ----------------->                         |
   |                                            !rpo                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0002, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0002, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                                                   |
            Figure 3.8.9-1.  In service prior to RPO being set

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test beings with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue a Level 3 "Set Local Processor Outage" command at the PT
          and send a status "Processor Outage" message to the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT indicates "Remote Processor Outage" to
          Level 3 at the IUT.

    (4)   Send two consecutive Data messages to the IUT.

    (5)   Check that the IUT acknowledges both Data messages with a
          "Data Ack" and that two MSUs are delivered to Level 3 at the

3.8.10.  Abnormal BSN - single Data message

   This test validates the behavior of the IUT to receiving a single
   abnormal Backward Sequence Number in a Data message.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.10-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.10
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0001, 3fff]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0001, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |  [ 35 bytes]     DATA  ---[0002, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <--[0002, 0000]---  DATA-ACK               |
   |                                            !msu                   |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.8.10-1.  Abnormal BSN - single Data message

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send a Data message to the IUT with an abnormal Backwards
          Sequence Number.

    (3)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message delivers an
          MSU to Level 3 at the IUT.

    (4)   Send a Data message to the IUT with an normal Backwards
          Sequence Number.

    (5)   Check that the IUT acknowledges the Data message delivers an
          MSU to Level 3 at the IUT.

    (6)   Check that the IUT maintains the "In Service" state.

3.8.11.  Abnormal BSN - two consecutive messages

   This test validates the reponse of the IUT to receiving two
   consecutive abnormal Backward Sequence Numbers.

   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.11-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.11
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 3fff]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 3fff]-->                         |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0000]-->                         |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service        |
   |                                                                   |
         Figure 3.8.11-1.  Abnormal BSN - two consecutive messages

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   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send two "Data Ack" messages with an abnormal Backward
          Sequence Number.

    (3)   Send a "Data Ack" message with an normal Backward Sequence

    (4)   Check that the IUT responds with a status "Out of Service"
          message and indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT.

3.8.12.  Excessive delay of acknowledgments

   This test case validates the IUT response to a excessively delayed
   acknowledgment.  The expected sequence of events is illustrated
   Figure 3.8.12-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.12
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T7         0.5 <= T7 <= 2.0       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(T7)    |
   |                                                                   |
           Figure 3.8.12-1.  Excessive delay of acknowledgments

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test case begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send an MSU from the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 at the IUT with reason
          "T7 Timeout" and that the link remains in the "Out of Service"

    (4)   Check that the T7 is between 0.5 seconds and 2.0 seconds in

3.8.13.  Level 3 Stop command

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the Level 3
   "Stop" command while in the "In Service" state.

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   The expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.8.13-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 8.13
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :stop                  |
   |                        <-----------------  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                                                   |
                  Figure 3.8.13-1.  Level 3 Stop command

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Issue the Level 3 "Stop" command at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          remains in the "Out of Service" state.

3.9.  Transmission and Reception Control (PCR)

   M2PA does not perform Preventative Cyclic Retranmission and,
   therefore, the test cases in this section are not applicable to M2PA.

3.9.1.  MSU transmission and reception

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.1-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.1-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.2.  Priority control

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.2-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.2-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.3.  Forced retransmission with the value N1

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.3-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.4.  Forced retransmission with the value N2

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.4-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.4
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.4-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

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    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.5.  Forced retransmission cancel

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.5-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.5
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.5-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.6.  Reception of forced retransmission

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.6-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.6
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.6-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.7.  MSU transmission while RPO set

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.7-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.7
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.7-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.8.  Abnormal BSN - Single MSU

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.8-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.8
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.8-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.9.  Abnormal BSN - Two MSUs

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.9-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.9
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                      Figure 3.9.9-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

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    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.10.  Unexpected FSN

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.10-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.10
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                     Figure 3.9.10-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.11.  Excessive delay of acknowledgments

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.11-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.11
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                     Figure 3.9.11-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.12.  FISU with FSN expected for MSU

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.12-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.12
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                     Figure 3.9.12-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.9.13.  Level 3 Stop command

   This test case is not applicable to M2PA.  The expected sequence of
   events is illustrated Figure 3.9.13-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 9.13
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |                          NOT APPLICABLE                           |
                     Figure 3.9.13-1.  Not Applicable

   Test Description:

    (1)   Not applicable.

3.10.  Congestion Control

3.10.1.  Congestion abatement

   This test case validates the response of the IUT to the Level 3
   "Congestion" and "Congestion Ceases" conditions.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.10.1-1.

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                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 10.1
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :make cong discard     |
   |                        <-----------------  BUSY                   |
   |                                            :clear congestion      |
   |                        <-----------------  BUSY-ENDED             |
   |                                                                   |
                  Figure 3.10.1-1.  Congestion abatement

   Test Description:

    (1)   This test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Generate a local Level 3 "Congestion" condition at the IUT.

    (3)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Busy" message.

    (4)   Generate a local Level 3 "Congestion Ceases" condition at the

    (5)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Busy Ended" message.

3.10.2.  Timer T7

   This test case validates timer T7 and procedures at the ITU.  The
   expected sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.10.2-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 10.2
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                  BUSY  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T7         0.5 <= T7 <= 2.0       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |              DATA-ACK  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |                                                                   |
                        Figure 3.10.2-1.  Timer T7

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

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    (2)   Send an MSU at the IUT.

    (3)   Wait for less than T7 and then acknowledge the Data message to
          the IUT with a "Data Ack" message.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends no further status messages and
          remains in the "In Service" state.

3.10.3.  Timer T6

   This case validates timer T6 and procedures at the IUT.  The expected
   sequence of events is illustrated Figure 3.10.3-1.

                        Reference:  Q.781/Test 10.3
   |                                                                   |
   |                    PT                      IUT                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                            :msu                   |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  DATA [   35 bytes]     |
   |                  BUSY  ---[0000, 0001]-->                         |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                              !  T6         3.0 <= T6 <= 6.0       |
   |                              !                                    |
   |                        <--[0000, 0001]---  OUT-OF-SERVICE         |
   |                                            !out of service(T6)    |
   |                                                                   |
                        Figure 3.10.3-1.  Timer T6

   Test Description:

    (1)   The test begins with the link in the "In Service" state.

    (2)   Send an MSU at the IUT.

    (3)   Send a status "Busy" messages to the IUT.

    (4)   Check that the IUT sends a status "Out of Service" message and
          indicates "Out of Service" to Level 3 with reason "T6 Timeout"
          and remains in the "Out of Service" state.

    (5)   Check that T6 is between 3.0 seconds and 6.0 seconds in

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

4.  Security Considerations

   There are no security considerations for this draft.

5.  Acknowledgments

6.  Author's Addresses

   Brian Bidulock                                 Phone: +1-780-490-1141
   OpenSS7 Corporation                       Email:
   1469 Jeffreys Crescent                   URL:
   Edmonton, AB  T6L 6T1

   This Internet Draft expires March 2003.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

End Notes

   [1]  An implementation of M2PA which conforms to these test
        specifications and a test program which executes these tests are
        available from


        T. George, R. Dantu, M. Kalla, H. J. Schwarzbauer, G.
        Sidebottom, K. Morneault, B. Bidulock, "SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-
        Peer Adaptation Layer," <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-06.txt>,
        Internet Engineering Task Force - Signalling Transport Working
        Group (August 28, 2002).  Work In Progress.

        ITU, "Signalling System No. 7 - MTP Level 2 Test Specification,"
        ITU-T Recommendation Q.781, ITU-T Telecommunication
        Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva (March 1993).  (Previously
        "CCITT Recommendation")

        T. George, R. Dantu, M. Kalla, H. J. Schwarzbauer, G.
        Sidebottom, K. Morneault, B. Bidulock, "SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-
        Peer Adaptation Layer," <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-07.txt>,
        Internet Engineering Task Force - Signalling Transport Working
        Group (tbd).  Work In Progress.

        T. George, R. Dantu, M. Kalla, H. J. Schwarzbauer, G.
        Sidebottom, K. Morneault, "SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation
        Layer," <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-04.txt>, Internet Engineering
        Task Force - Signalling Transport Working Group (February 28,
        2002).  Work In Progress.

        T. George, R. Dantu, M. Kalla, H. J. Schwarzbauer, G.
        Sidebottom, K. Morneault, B. Bidulock, "SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-
        Peer Adaptation Layer," <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-05.txt>,
        Internet Engineering Task Force - Signalling Transport Working
        Group (May 3, 2002).  Work In Progress.

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                        List of Illustrations

  Figure 2.1-1 Test Configuration 1 .............................    3
  Figure 2.1-2 Test Configuration 2 .............................    3
  Figure 3.1.1-1 Initialization (Power-up) ......................    5
  Figure 3.1.1-2 Initialization (Power-up) ......................    5
  Figure 3.1.2-1 Timer T2 .......................................    6
  Figure 3.1.3-1 Timer T3 .......................................    7
  Figure 3.1.4-1 Timer T1 & Timer T4 (Normal) ...................    8
  Figure 3.1.5-1 Normal alignment procedure .....................    9
  Figure 3.1.5-2 Normal alignment procedure .....................   10
  Figure 3.1.6-1 Normal alignment procedure (Data) ..............   11
  Figure 3.1.7-1 "Alignment" during normal proving ..............   12
  Figure 3.1.8-1 Normal alignment with PO set ...................   13
  Figure 3.1.8-2 Normal alignment with PO set ...................   14
  Figure 3.1.9-1 Normal alignment with PO set (Data) ............   15
  Figure 3.1.9-2 Normal alignment with PO set (Data) ............   16
  Figure 3.1.10-1 Normal alignment with PO set and cleared ......   17
  Figure 3.1.11-1 Set RPO when "Aligned Not Ready" ..............   18
  Figure 3.1.12-1 "Out of Service" when "Aligned not ready" .....   19
  Figure 3.1.12-2 "Out of Service" when "Aligned not ready" .....   20
  Figure 3.1.13-1 "Alignment" when "Aligned not ready" ..........   21
  Figure 3.1.14-1 Set and clear LPO when "Initial Alignment" ....   22
  Figure 3.1.15-1 Set and clear LPO when "Aligned ready" ........   23
  Figure 3.1.16-1 Timer T1 in "Aligned not ready" state .........   24
  Figure 3.1.17-1 No "Alignment" during normal proving period ...   25
  Figure 3.1.18-1 Toggle emergency before "start alignment" .....   26
  Figure 3.1.19-1 Set emergency in "not aligned" state ..........   27
  Figure 3.1.20-1 Set emergency when "aligned" ..................   28
  Figure 3.1.21-1 Both ends set emergency .......................   29
  Figure 3.1.22-1 Individual end sets emergency .................   30
  Figure 3.1.23-1 Set emergency during normal proving ...........   31
  Figure 3.1.24-1 No "Alignment" during emergency alignment .....   32
  Figure 3.1.25-1 Deactivate during initial alignment ...........   33
  Figure 3.1.26-1 Deactivate during aligned state ...............   33
  Figure 3.1.27-1 Deactivate during aligned not ready ...........   34
  Figure 3.1.28-1 "Alignment" during link in service ............   35
  Figure 3.1.29-1 "Out of service" during link in service .......   36
  Figure 3.1.29-2 "Out of service" during link in service .......   36
  Figure 3.1.30-1 Deactivation during LPO .......................   37
  Figure 3.1.30-2 Deactivation during LPO .......................   38
  Figure 3.1.31-1 Deactivation during RPO .......................   38
  Figure 3.1.31-2 Deactivation during RPO .......................   39
  Figure 3.1.32-1 Deactivation during the proving period ........   40
  Figure 3.1.32-2 Deactivation during the proving period ........   41
  Figure 3.1.33-1 "Alignment" instead of "In Service" ...........   42
  Figure 3.1.34-1 "Out of Service" instead of "In Service" ......   43
  Figure 3.1.35-1 "Processor Outage" instead of "In Service" ....   44
  Figure 3.2.1-1 Unexpected events in the "Out of Service" State
      ...........................................................   45
  Figure 3.2.2-1 Unexpected events while "not aligned" ..........   47
  Figure 3.2.3-1 Unexpected events while "aligned" ..............   48
  Figure 3.2.4-1 Unexpected events while "proving" ..............   50
  Figure 3.2.5-1 Unexpected events while "aligned ready" ........   51

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  Figure 3.2.6-1 Unexpected events while "aligned not ready" ....   52
  Figure 3.2.7-1 Unexpected events while "in service" ...........   53
  Figure 3.2.8-1 Unexpected events while "processor outage" .....   54
  Figure 3.3.1-1 Link aligned ready (Abort) .....................   56
  Figure 3.3.2-1 Link aligned ready (Invalid Acks) ..............   57
  Figure 3.3.3-1 Link aligned not ready (Abort) .................   57
  Figure 3.3.4-1 Link aligned not ready (Invalid Acks) ..........   58
  Figure 3.3.5-1 Link in service (Abort) ........................   59
  Figure 3.3.6-1 Link in service (Invalid Acks) .................   60
  Figure 3.3.7-1 Link in processor outage (Abort) ...............   60
  Figure 3.3.8-1 Link in processor outage (Invalid Acks) ........   61
  Figure 3.4.1-1 Set and clear LPO while link in service ........   62
  Figure 3.4.2-1 RPO during LPO .................................   63
  Figure 3.4.3-1 Clear LPO when "Both processor outage" .........   64
  Figure 3.5.1-1 Not applicable .................................   65
  Figure 3.5.2-1 Not applicable .................................   65
  Figure 3.5.3-1 Below minimum signal unit length ...............   66
  Figure 3.5.4-1 Not applicable .................................   66
  Figure 3.5.4-2 Not applicable .................................   66
  Figure 3.5.5-1 Not applicable .................................   67
  Figure 3.5.5-2 Not applicable .................................   67
  Figure 3.6.1-1 Not applicable .................................   68
  Figure 3.6.2-1 Not applicable .................................   68
  Figure 3.6.3-1 Not applicable .................................   68
  Figure 3.6.4-1 Not applicable .................................   69
  Figure 3.7.1-1 Not applicable .................................   69
  Figure 3.7.2-1 Not applicable .................................   70
  Figure 3.7.3-1 Not applicable .................................   70
  Figure 3.7.4-1 Not applicable .................................   70
  Figure 3.8.1-1 Data transmission and reception ................   71
  Figure 3.8.2-1 Not Applicable .................................   72
  Figure 3.8.3-1 Check RTB full .................................   73
  Figure 3.8.4-1 Single invalid Ack .............................   74
  Figure 3.8.5-1 Duplicated FSN .................................   75
  Figure 3.8.6-1 Not Applicable .................................   76
  Figure 3.8.7-1 Not Applicable .................................   76
  Figure 3.8.8-1 Not Applicable .................................   76
  Figure 3.8.9-1 In service prior to RPO being set ..............   77
  Figure 3.8.10-1 Abnormal BSN - single Data message ............   78
  Figure 3.8.11-1 Abnormal BSN - two consecutive messages .......   79
  Figure 3.8.12-1 Excessive delay of acknowledgments ............   79
  Figure 3.8.13-1 Level 3 Stop command ..........................   80
  Figure 3.9.1-1 Not Applicable .................................   80
  Figure 3.9.2-1 Not Applicable .................................   81
  Figure 3.9.3-1 Not Applicable .................................   81
  Figure 3.9.4-1 Not Applicable .................................   81
  Figure 3.9.5-1 Not Applicable .................................   82
  Figure 3.9.6-1 Not Applicable .................................   82
  Figure 3.9.7-1 Not Applicable .................................   83
  Figure 3.9.8-1 Not Applicable .................................   83
  Figure 3.9.9-1 Not Applicable .................................   83
  Figure 3.9.10-1 Not Applicable ................................   84
  Figure 3.9.11-1 Not Applicable ................................   84
  Figure 3.9.12-1 Not Applicable ................................   85

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

  Figure 3.9.13-1 Not Applicable ................................   85
  Figure 3.10.1-1 Congestion abatement ..........................   86
  Figure 3.10.2-1 Timer T7 ......................................   86
  Figure 3.10.3-1 Timer T6 ......................................   87

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.2                       Page 92

Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

                          Table of Contents

   Status of this Memo ..........................................    1
   Abstract .....................................................    1
  1 Introduction ................................................    1
  1.1 Change History ............................................    2
  1.1.1 Changes from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-01 ........    2
  1.1.2 Changes from draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2pa-test-00 ........    2
  2 Test Environment ............................................    3
  2.1 Test Configurations .......................................    3
  2.2 Recommended IUT Settings ..................................    3
  2.2.1 Timer Values ............................................    3
  2.2.2 Buffer Threshold Values .................................    4
  2.2.3 MSU Length ..............................................    4
  3 Tests .......................................................    4
  3.1 Link State Control - Expected signal units/orders .........    4
  3.1.1 Initialization (Power-up) ...............................    4 Forward Direction .....................................    5 Reverse Direction .....................................    5
  3.1.2 Timer T2 ................................................    6
  3.1.3 Timer T3 ................................................    6
  3.1.4 Timer T1 & Timer T4 (Normal) ............................    7
  3.1.5 Normal alignment procedure ..............................    9 Forward Direction .....................................    9 Reverse Direction .....................................    9
  3.1.6 Normal alignment procedure - correct procedure (Data) ...   10
  3.1.7 Status "Alignment" received during normal proving period
      ...........................................................   11
  3.1.8 Normal alignment with PO set ............................   12 Forward Direction .....................................   12 Reverse Direction .....................................   13
  3.1.9 Normal alignment with PO set (Data) .....................   14 Forward Direction .....................................   14 Reverse Direction .....................................   15
  3.1.10 Normal alignment with PO set and cleared ...............   16
  3.1.11 Set RPO when "Aligned not ready" .......................   17
  3.1.12 Status "Out of  Service"  received  when  "Aligned  not
      ready" ....................................................   18 Forward Direction ....................................   18 Reverse Direction ....................................   19
  3.1.13 Status "Alignment" received when "Aligned not ready" ...   20
  3.1.14 Set and clear LPO when "Initial alignment" .............   21
  3.1.15 Set and clear LPO when "Aligned ready" .................   22
  3.1.16 Timer T1 in "Aligned not ready" state ..................   23
  3.1.17 No status "Alignment" sent during normal proving period
      ...........................................................   24
  3.1.18 Set and cease emergency prior to "start alignment" .....   25
  3.1.19 Set emergency while in "not aligned" state .............   26
  3.1.20 Set emergency when "aligned" ...........................   27
  3.1.21 Both ends set emergency.  ..............................   28
  3.1.22 Individual end sets emergency ..........................   29
  3.1.23 Set emergency during normal proving ....................   30
  3.1.24  No  status "Alignment" sent during emergency alignment
      ...........................................................   31

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  3.1.25 Deactivation during initial alignment ..................   32
  3.1.26 Deactivation during aligned state ......................   33
  3.1.27 Deactivation during aligned not ready ..................   34
  3.1.28 Status "alignment" received during link in service .....   35
  3.1.29 Status "out of service" received during link in service
      ...........................................................   35 Forward Direction ....................................   35 Reverse Direction ....................................   36
  3.1.30 Deactivation during LPO ................................   37 Forward Direction ....................................   37 Reverse Direction ....................................   37
  3.1.31 Deactivation during RPO ................................   38 Forward Direction ....................................   38 Reverse Direction ....................................   39
  3.1.32 Deactivation during the proving period .................   39 Forward Direction ....................................   40 Reverse Direction ....................................   40
  3.1.33  Status  "Alignment" received instead of status "Ready"
      ...........................................................   41
  3.1.34 Status "Out of  Service"  received  instead  of  status
      "Ready" ...................................................   42
  3.1.35  Status  "Processor  Outage" received instead of status
      "Ready" ...................................................   43
  3.2 Link State Control - Unexpected signal units/orders .......   44
  3.2.1 Unexpected signal units/orders in "Out of service" state
      ...........................................................   44
  3.2.2 Unexpected signal units/orders in "Not Aligned" state ...   46
  3.2.3 Unexpected signal units/orders in "Aligned" state .......   47
  3.2.4 Unexpected signal units/orders in "Proving" state .......   49
  3.2.5 Unexpected signal units/orders in "Aligned Ready"  state
      ...........................................................   50
  3.2.6  Unexpected  signal  units/orders in "Aligned Not Ready"
      state .....................................................   52
  3.2.7 Unexpected signal units/orders in "In Service" state ....   53
  3.2.8 Unexpected signal  units/orders  in  "Processor  Outage"
      state .....................................................   54
  3.3 Transmission Failure ......................................   55
  3.3.1 Link aligned ready (Abort) ..............................   55
  3.3.2 Link aligned ready (Invalid Acks) .......................   56
  3.3.3 Link aligned not ready (Abort) ..........................   57
  3.3.4 Link aligned not ready (Invalid Acks) ...................   58
  3.3.5 Link in service (Abort) .................................   59
  3.3.6 Link in service (Invalid Acks) ..........................   59
  3.3.7 Link in processor outage (Abort) ........................   60
  3.3.8 Link in processor outage (Invalid Acks) .................   61
  3.4 Processor Outage Control ..................................   61
  3.4.1 Set and clear LPO while link in service .................   61
  3.4.2 RPO during LPO ..........................................   63
  3.4.3 Clear LPO when "Both processor outage" ..................   63
  3.5 SU delimitation, alignment, error detection and correction
      ...........................................................   64
  3.5.1 More than 7 ones between MSU opening and  closing  flags
      ...........................................................   65
  3.5.2 Greater than maximum signal unit length .................   65

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  3.5.3 Below minimum signal unit length ........................   65
  3.5.4 Reception of single and multiple flags between FISUs ....   66
  3.5.5 Reception of single and multiple flags between MSUs .....   67
  3.6 SUERM check ...............................................   67
  3.6.1 Error rate of 1 in 256 - Link remains in service ........   67
  3.6.2 Error rate of 1 in 254 - Link out of service ............   68
  3.6.3 Consecutive corrupt SUs .................................   68
  3.6.4 Time controlled break of the link .......................   69
  3.7 AERM check ................................................   69
  3.7.1 Error rate below the normal threshold ...................   69
  3.7.2 Error rate at the normal threshold ......................   69
  3.7.3 Error rate above the normal threshold ...................   70
  3.7.4 Error rate at the emergency threshold ...................   70
  3.8 Transmission and reception control (Basic) ................   71
  3.8.1 Data transmission and reception .........................   71
  3.8.2 Negative acknowledgments of an MSU ......................   72
  3.8.3 Check RTB full ..........................................   72
  3.8.4 Single invalid Ack ......................................   74
  3.8.5 Duplicated FSN ..........................................   74
  3.8.6 Erroneous retransmission - Single MSU ...................   75
  3.8.7 Erroneous retransmission - Multiple FISUs ...............   76
  3.8.8 Single FISU with corrupt FIB ............................   76
  3.8.9 In Service prior to RPO being set .......................   77
  3.8.10 Abnormal BSN - single Data message .....................   77
  3.8.11 Abnormal BSN - two consecutive messages ................   78
  3.8.12 Excessive delay of acknowledgments .....................   79
  3.8.13 Level 3 Stop command ...................................   79
  3.9 Transmission and Reception Control (PCR) ..................   80
  3.9.1 MSU transmission and reception ..........................   80
  3.9.2 Priority control ........................................   80
  3.9.3 Forced retransmission with the value N1 .................   81
  3.9.4 Forced retransmission with the value N2 .................   81
  3.9.5 Forced retransmission cancel ............................   82
  3.9.6 Reception of forced retransmission ......................   82
  3.9.7 MSU transmission while RPO set ..........................   82
  3.9.8 Abnormal BSN - Single MSU ...............................   83
  3.9.9 Abnormal BSN - Two MSUs .................................   83
  3.9.10 Unexpected FSN .........................................   84
  3.9.11 Excessive delay of acknowledgments .....................   84
  3.9.12 FISU with FSN expected for MSU .........................   84
  3.9.13 Level 3 Stop command ...................................   85
  3.10 Congestion Control .......................................   85
  3.10.1 Congestion abatement ...................................   85
  3.10.2 Timer T7 ...............................................   86
  3.10.3 Timer T6 ...............................................   87
  4 Security Considerations .....................................   88
  5 Acknowledgments .............................................   88
  6 Author's Addresses ..........................................   88
   End Notes ....................................................   89
   References ...................................................   89
   List of Illustrations ........................................   90
   Table of Contents ............................................   93

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Internet Draft                  M2PA-TEST             September 15, 2002

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